The trees on our street display the change in the air, and in our lives. We are planning to move out of Southern California. This is such a big step for Mozart and I as we have lived here our entire lives.
Yet I'm very excited about making this change, and especially living out in a rugged territory, closer to nature.
But no matter where I live, there is no place like California and I will miss it.
Especially all the things that grow here.
and the peacocks
and the wild parrots
and the walks on the beach
My parents
My Writers Critique Group
Letty and our adventures together
and all my other friends who I can't find pictures of at the moment.
I will miss hiking the trails in our local mountains
and climbing on the rocks and exploring the tidepools.
And decorating the house with Autumn leaves.
Yes, there are good things to enjoy wherever one lives.
""Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go." Genesis 28:15