My dirt biking article came out! I received an advance copy and a check. It will be out in the March 29th edition of Evangel.
Evangel is a church take-home publication with a circulation of 11,000. They publish about 100 articles per year.
I originally called the article, "When God Rode a Dirt Bike", but after the article was accepted they asked me to come up with some alternative titles. They chose, "Off-Road Riding With God".
The title "When God Rode a Dirt Bike" came to me because I mention, in the article, that God was riding with me on my dirt bike when we climbed a monstrous hill. God goes everywhere with us!
I will let you read the article after March 29th--because the magazine bought "first rights" and I can't publish it elsewhere before that date.
I've been a little slow at posting because my camera is broken. It is NOT fun to post without pictures! I have taken some pictures with my son's camera, but its very hard to get them OFF his camera. It can be done, but involves a trip to CVS to dump the pictures into their computer and burn a cd. Oh...the picture above---that's a picture of my dog, Jasper, with his glasses on. (He is now in dog heaven.)
Son update: My son is still gone. But I sense he is staying with someone. (He's not on the street, thank goodness.) Last week, my cell phone rang while I was driving. When I checked my phone later, I noticed an unfamiliar phone number with a different area code. There was no message. I called the number back...and it turned out to be the cell phone of a young man who I do not know. I asked to speak with C (my son) and he said, "He's out with my dad right now."
It seems as though he's staying with a family.
I did speak with C briefly, because he called me back. I can't really go into things much more than that. I continue to pray for him.
I continue to pray for George Bush too. I've prayed for him for 8 years, and it feels strange to stop. ..since he's no longer at the helm. So I'll continue. I'm adding Obama to the list now.
I'll close with the words of our first President:
Direct my thought, words and work, wash way my sins in the immaculate Blood of the Lamb, and purge my heart by Thy Holy Spirit...Daily frame me more and more into the likeness of Thy Son Jesus Christ.
--George Washington
1st U.S. President
Can you trace the cell phone number?
I wonder. Does he read your blog?
I am looking forward to reading your article in the Evangel. I don't ride, but I have three boys that did when they were younger.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your son....
It sounds like C is at least in a safe place. I am glad he acknowledged your call.
Congrats on the check and the published article. That is awesome!
I am glad you are still praying for President Bush. I wish I could get to know both him and Laura. I think I'll send them a card. I am so in hopes that they will be treat more kindly in history books than they were by the very unfair media - shameful!
Congratulations on your article.
That's quite the honor....
Wouldn't it be fun if we could be at the signing????
Just keep praying for that boy of yours...
Hurray on your article!!!
I've had some good surprises lately with my writing, small things, but good. I'll touch base later as I'm able.
God bless,
Congratulations on your article being published. I couldn't imagine going through what you are right now. We will add your son and family to our prayer list.
Sharon, thanks for stopping by. I would love to read about rides from other places. Let me know what his address is and I will check it out.
Thanks again
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