I have yellow peppers.
And various types of red peppers.
These are too hot...so I just let them decorate the bush.
These are good!
Tomatoes are still dangling.

Oh! What's this!
An article sitting in the pumpkin plant.
It's a peek at my article "What Would Jesus Do on Halloween?" that will be coming out on October 28th, 2007 in a magazine called LIVE.
I will post the article soon—after October 28th!
Hope you are all doing well out there...still enjoying the change of season and living ONE DAY AT A TIME! (I've found that makes things easier.)
Hi Cousin! I will look forward to your post. Love your "The Best Kind of Food" post too! Your style of writing...light and breezy kinda sing songy is uplifting!
I wanted to let you know about the blog carnival that I will be hosting over on our Twiglet the Little Christmas Tree blog. I look forward to your entry...
i like hot peppers . we grew some last year and they were hot hot hot, our tomatoes are still hanging on as well ;]
hi sharon lynne,
thanks for visiting my blog. your peppers look great. i planted some anaheims this year but they weren't very hot like i thot they'd be. what kind of peppers are yours?
Thanks for the visit. By the way to quote the Florida farmers "Winter arugula, grown in Florida, is crisper and better tasting now than at any other time of year." So I am sure it should grow where you are.
You plants look great. Miss my garden where I could pop out and pick veggies. Now I have tons of herbs in pots which is great.
Your Halloween article sounds interesting, must pop by and read it.
Hey girl, your garden looks inviting! And the red peppers make a good decoration - LOL!
You're too funny on the article in the pumpkin patch (smile)... congrads on the publication! Looking forward to reading it.
I have several small things in circulation, waiting to see if a publisher will bite... but what I really need to do is get back to children's writing, my first love.
Take care and have a nice weekend, my friend!
GAIL--I feel silly but I don't know what kind of peppers they are. I bought them when they were 2 inches tall. But I can find out!--I'll come over and let you know when I do!
Susan--I need to get back to Children's writing too!
Jackie--thanks for the info!
Greetings to Janey and Inspired!
Sharon -
Thanks for visiting my blog! Your blog certainly speaks well of California and the beautiful life you have created there!
I love peppers, especially sweet red, yellow and orange. Hot is good, regular ol' green ones don't do a thing for me.
Thank you for your prayers; please keep them coming.
The peppers look great, and I'd sure put them dude to work in some stews and the like if I were you.
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