It's good to remember that there is beauty in "Troubled Times".
The narrative is also from the devotional book.
Romans 8:35, 38-39 Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity?...I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love...Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away.
Life's circumstances don't come between God and his people. You can rest assured that through deep waters and great trouble, he is with you. Nothing can separate you from him.

How can I feel more sure of God's assurances? What can I do to increase my confidence in him?
Psalm 108:1 My heart is confident in you, O God; no wonder I can sing your praises? Wake up, my soul!
Praise will increase your assurance. As you focus on the Lord instead of your problems or fears, your confidence in him will increase.
Psalm 34:4 I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears.
Frequent prayer will deepen your assurance. Your conversations with God remind you that he is truly there.
Trouble is an opportunity to watch God opportunity to depend on him to do the impossible. Presently, in our family life, we have an impossible situation. It cannot be solved with a human mind. The humans have done everything in their power, and this human is tired. The job has to be done by God. I look up expectantly.
I am so sorry. And I can so relate. E-mail me or call me, if you want to!
I pray that God's presence will be so very real to you, giving you fresh courage, strength - and peace of mind.
"With God all things are possible." But the waiting can be so painfully difficult - as you well know. This post is so uplifting and encouraging. I pray that the words will come alive to you as you wait. I like the old song that says, "Hold on, my child; joy comes in the morning..."
That's a beautiful devotional. Yes, we all need to remember to focus on the Lord at all times and he will carry us through. I love your pictures - so pretty. I wish I could see it in person.
My husband is off today and taking our 9 yr. old who has a 1/2 day of school to the zoo - daddy and son day :) The philly zoo has a special lego display of endangered species. My little guy is soooo excited :)
Praying for you, my friend. May we look up expectantly together in Christ.
This devotional was exactly what I needed today as I face unexpected family problems. Pat
We too, are facing some unexpected problems in our's so painful..
It's so good to hear your encouraging words. Thanks for this post.
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