Okay ladies and gentlemen...let's talk about writing.
Today the subject is about the orange button on the upper right hand corner of my blog.
I’m not totally sold on this company…but its rather intriguing and fun to see if one can scribble something out—send it off—and make a few extra bucks. They also accept video, audio and images.
Associated Content is always looking for “how-to” articles on any subject. Actually, once you sign up with them (its free) they’ll give you an “account”. When you log in to your account, you will find “call for content” messages about the types of articles they are looking for…for that particular month or season. Several weeks ago they were looking for 4th of July dessert recipes and/or “Celebrating the 4th of July in your city.” Articles on places you’ve traveled—even if it’s an interesting place in your home town—those articles always catch their eye.
On the down side, THEY DON’T PAY ENOUGH! (about $3.00 to $8.00) Usually I receive at least about $70.00 when I submit to magazines (and well known magazines can pay between $100 to $300.) However, when you submit to magazines, you often have to wait about 3 to 4 months for a reply. Then…if they accept your manuscript, you then have to wait sometimes about a year for your article to come out. So while Associated Content only pays pennies, your article will come out in about 2 weeks and you’ll be paid quickly.
When you submit your article to Associated Content they will give you the choice of submitting “Exclusive” or “Non-Exclusive”. Beware--if you choose to submit “Exclusive” you cannot publish the article with any other publisher except AC. “Non-Exclusive” means you still own the article and can submit it elsewhere. (but AC will pay you less).
I think the best thing to do (especially if you worked hard on your article) is to submit your work to a magazine. You will still own the article. Then…after the magazine publishes it, you can then submit the same article to Associated Content as “Non-Exclusive”.
It bothers me—when a writer spends hours on an article---then submits it and receives only $5.00. That’s what I don’t like about AC.
However, for aspiring article writers, Associated Content is a good place to start. Before putting your pen to the paper, investigate AC’s site and see the kinds of things they publish. You can even search on any subject and pull up articles. I noticed they had very few articles on dirt biking.
In conclusion, let's throw caution and good sense to the wind and have some fun with writing. Take a risk...live dangerously…write something up for AC…and maybe you’ll be published before the 4th of July!
TIP: Look over your old POSTS. You might have a submission for AC right at your fingertips!
Hi Cousin! It is late but I wanted to drop by and see how you are doing and found this very informative post! I will check them out in a couple of days. It has been very busy around here with Cahlibur's health and new puppies! Born today!
I just finished a post about puppies, 4th of July picnic, an Australian vacation and moving to Texas!
I wanted to tell you to that there is a new BLOG VILLAGE interview that doesn't have any comments and was hoping that you had time to let our fellow VILLAGER know that we care about her and her blog!?
Seems like a great spot to break into writing for sure - and a couple bucks is still better than free I say!
Get more dirt biking articles in there & you'll be hearing from dirtbike magazines in no time :)
Becky--I wish there were something like this in Canada!
Janey--I'll be right over!
Yeah me too - but I'm still lookin. I did some submissions here & there on Friday. I just need to find a focus & start from there. I'm trying random Christian publications & it doesn't seem to be focused enough!
Just wanted to say thanks for being such a faithful commenter on my blog. Your comments always encourage me & brighten my day. So, thanks friend! :)
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