Friday, February 5, 2010


It's raining.
Don't have to be at my school job today.
Went to Writer's Critique Group.
Was very happy to see my writing friends.
Edited 2 manuscripts.
Discussed teens, God, atheists and pot.
Played 2 scrabble games with Letty and dusted her house while listening to Susan Boyle.
Dinner: Tuna Melts and Chicken Fajita Soup.
Evening: Spent way too much time on the computer.

Tomorrow is coming.
Plan to stay off the computer (unless I'm starting a new article) and spend more time in the WORD.


Willow said...

Sounds like a good day!

Love the tulip tree!

Marg said...

Isn't it wonderful when we have some days like that...Unfortunately my January was lovely, but February is our birthday month...and so we keep enjoying the festivities.