But I cleaned the bathrooms instead. (forcing myself to do something constructive)
It's 2:00 now, and I still want to go for a walk.
The rain has stopped. The sun is out. The mountains are wearing their white hats.
I called my faithful walking friend and she's not home.
I will go alone.
I will think.
I will think about my future.
Will I have a new FT job soon? (but I love my pt job)
Who will my counselor be? (in process of searching for one)
Will my husband get more work?
Will my son pass the background check on his prospective job?
AND I WILL THINK ABOUT GOD'S PROMISES. And try to be quiet....just in case HE wants to say something.
In fact, maybe I will relax and not worry about anything.
That's what God hopes I will do.
And we'll walk side by side.
He—quietly loving.
me—quietly trusting.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'm back from my walk. I drove 15 minutes toward the western foothills A big river once tumbled out of this canyon, but now it's banks are closer together. Rocks from its violent past are strewn everywhere. It's a rugged place. One has to search out it's beauty. I walked along the river, climbing over the rocks...hoping to find a fossil or something surprising. I've never seen so many kinds of rocks. I stuffed a white one with big black speckles into my backpack.
Click on this picture of the river bed.
Have you ever seen so many rocks?
Stream crossing
A prickly pear cactus
Rain clouds are gathering.
I found this quiet path on the way out.
He leads me on the paths of righteousness--He restores my soul...