Friday, April 11, 2008

Conference Opportunity

I've been on Spring break all week. (My job is in the field of education)
I wasn't able to go anywhere because of appointments.

Surprise! Today one of the gals in my critique group contacted me to remind me that there is a Writers Conference down at the beach, near where my parents live. She asked me if I would like to her guest. She is teaching a class on devotionals. It will be her first time teaching a class and she would love a little support!

I'm so excited...and I'll drop by and see my parents too!

I have to go and round up some of my writing. Conferences are a great place to get input on your work, and to make connections with others.

It's supposed to be 90 degrees here this weekend! But at the beach it will be in the 80's.

I'll be back to give you a report on the conference...


Susan Skitt said...

Oh how I wish I could fly out for the conference. Sounds delightfully refreshing! Have a great time!

Dawn said...

There is a Christian writer's conference up in Estes Park every May - sure wish I could go someday. Come and go with me next year!

Dawn said...

Interesting - I only saw the Thursday night performance, not the one on Wednesday night. I went to YouTube and discovered that, sure enough, on the big Idol Gives Back night, they did say "My Shepherd" the first phrase. But on Thursday night, on the show where they eliminate someone, they sang it again and this time they said "My Jesus." Interesting! IT was the #1 downloaded song from the WEdnesday night performance. Too bad they didn't sing it right that night.

Spring snow usually acts as a nice wet rain - unless it dumps many inches, at which time it causes tree branches to fall, and crushes the flowers. But, unbelievably, they usually bounce back. But the grass - wet snow is the best thing that can happen to it, though we don't like it!

Vanessa Cole said...

Stopping by to say HELLO! I'm visiting and have actually posted on my blog-finally! :-)

Sounds like you will enjoy your time away.
