Dawn and I met a couple of years ago during a stormy time in our lives. We were going through similar situations. Little did I know I would have a chance to see her on my trip to Colorado!
On the way to Dawn's house.

There it is! I've seen that house on my computer!

Initially we weren't going to meet because I would have to drive 85 miles out of the way to see her. I was staying at my brother and sister-in-law's ranch.
But my niece said, "I love to drive! I'll take you there." My younger niece said, "I want to go too!"
My brother, my nieces and me. (2 days ago)

So I met Dawn and her wonderful singing husband! He gave me his latest Gospel Quartet CD "Child of the King".

And these are her sweet granddaughters, Care Bear and Fiesty. We also met her twin granddaughters, who are inside getting ready for bed. I had fun reading a stories to Care Bear and Fiesty. (...and playing "Simon Says")You can visit Dawn and her granddaughters at "Call Me Grandma Dawn."

More about the Colorado trip is coming soon along with pictures of horses and chickens.
What a blessing we received! Thanks again so much for making the extra effort. The kiddoes loved the excitement!
I lived in Colorado, growing up and then raising two kids there in Northern Colorado, so I know the Red Rocks near Co. Springs. In fact my dear hubs was born in the Springs.
What a glorious lifetime experience meeting Dawn. And I really enjoyed your photo share.
I'm here from Dawn's blog...just had to drop by and say 'hi'...nice to meet you.
How neat that you two were able to visit! Dawn and I are blogger friends, too!
That's wonderful! Isn't it amazing who you meet in real life through blogging??!
That's really wonderful that you were able to do this....
Thanks so much for the blog address for Pat. I've never met her, but have heard so much about her and read her books. Her aunt, the one I lived with for a summer, was very proud of her. Please greet her for me, tell her I lived with Lois Brasher and knew her well. And that I love her books. Thanks!
Me again - I forgot to mention that I saw this new blog address on Facebook yesterday too, posted by another missionary who writes missionary books - Amy Crofford.
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